Local Corruption in North Staffordshire - Under Constuction

www.staffscorruption.co.uk >> Churchill Academy and Sixth Form

4 (mid 1980s)

During this time, I attended Churchill Comprehensive School (now known as Churchill Academy and Sixth Form), and I continued to live with my parents and siblings in the village of Congresbury, Somerset.


Under this subheading, 4.4, I have explained how I came in contact with a learning difficulties teacher while I attended Churchill Comprehensive, and how it seems he took the law into his hands in connection with my matter whereby I was given a label on state records that apparently went against strict guidelines at the time as it was found to cause serious problems in communities where children were given this label in the 1970‘s; as an example of this in my case, a boy who was mistaken for me was viciously attached and seriously injured by a city gang organised by the learning difficulties teacher at the village cross in Congresbury, according to various sources at the time (see and 4.4.4).


One day, instead of going to a normal lesson, I was taken by a teacher, Teacher A, to attend a learning difficulties class. Teacher A and the learning difficulties teacher were present along with pupils I had never met before. Both the teachers spoke to one another about my matter. I do not recall saying anything while I was in this class. I was told to sit down and take some tests.

At some point, Teacher A said I should not be in learning difficulties classes as it was known to cause children serious social problems if they were put into learning difficulties classes when they did not have learning difficulties.

Teacher A said it was my father who wanted me in learning difficulties classes. She said it was very unusual for parents to want any of their children to attend learning difficulties classes. She said normally parents did what they could to keep their children out of learning difficulties classes. She said schools could not put pupils into learning difficulties classes just because this was what their parents wanted.

Teacher A said in order to put a pupil into learning difficulties classes, an independent educational psychologist from outside the school and local area had to be involved beforehand to confirm the relevant child had a subnormal IQ. She said it was in educational records about me from St Andrews Primary School I had already seen an independent educational psychologist. She said the psychologist noted in these records that I had above normal IQ. She said my parents and I could have sued the school over this matter alone.

Teacher A said there was something wrong with the educational records about me from the primary school I attended. She said I had been labelled a pervert. She said it was in the records my parents had not been kept informed about it, a troublemaker was involved and expelled over his involvement while I was not expelled. She said she thought the primary school had made a mistake, and ‘passed the buck’ in the hope Churchill Comprehensive would deal with the problem. She said it was not for them to deal with the problem.

The learning difficulties teacher said, “So he’s a pervert then?”

Teacher A said schools were not supposed to be labelling children as perverts under any circumstances. She said the issues surrounding the labelling of children as perverts by schools has been taken through the courts. She said the labelling of children as perverts by schools has been found to be seriously flawed for many reasons and inappropriate in the modern world. The learning difficulties teacher said, “I was a pervert until I got a girlfriend, and now I’m an even bigger pervert, but I haven’t been identified.”

At some point, Teacher A said there were human rights issues involved with my matter.

At some point, Teacher A said, “It is child abuse.”

At some point, Teacher A tutor said, “It is all horses for courses.”

At some point, Teacher A said she did not think I was even sexually active at the time I was labelled a pervert.

At some point, Teacher A said I could sue for a lot of compensation over a case such as this. In response, the learning difficulties teacher said, “So he’s better than us then.”

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said he wanted to keep me in his leaning difficulties classes to stop me from taking legal action and claiming compensation.

Teacher A said there would be various parties who would realise there was something wrong if I were put into learning difficulties classes. She said everyone in the learning difficulties class was there as they really did have learning difficulties and “It’s best not to make things worse.”

The learning difficulties teacher said they could get me on medication.

Teacher A said the medications only did so much damage owing to human rights issues. She said it would still be obvious there was something wrong.

The learning difficulties teacher said they could set me up.

Teacher A said she did not think it was a good idea to set me up. She said my matter was so serious I could claim I had been set up no matter how well I was set up. She said a solicitor would have access to records about me and see that there was something wrong.

The learning difficulties teacher said they could tamper with the educational records to cover it up.

Teacher A said they could not do that as everything was ”in the system”.

The learning difficulties teacher said they could kill me and make it look like an accident.

Teacher A said if a child dies owing to an accident, it would still have to be investigated. She said she thought there were various parties who knew something about my matter, and “the truth will come out“.

At some point, Teacher A said she thought I knew there was something wrong, and I was ignoring it in the hope the problem would go away. She said I did not know who to trust and was too young to know how to deal with this issue. She said the problem would not go away and would get worse. She said when I was older, I could find myself in a situation whereby I would be in trouble living on my own reliant on state benefits, and I would have to do something about my matter.

The learning difficulties teacher said, “So we’ve got him then. We can make sure he is bugged to keep him where he is and to put solicitors off from representing him.”

At some point, Teacher A said she thought I would find a solicitor to represent me as the issues surrounding my matter had already been proved in the courts.

At some point, Teacher A said when I grew up, I might get a girlfriend which could help my situation; however, at some point, she said I may rebel against getting a girlfriend.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said I was competition. He said he wanted to rough me up and otherwise make sure I did not get a girlfriend. Teacher A said she did not think I was competition for the learning difficulties teacher as I was a child. The learning difficulties teacher said when I grew up, I would be competition. Teacher A said something to the effect that I was in a different age group; however, the learning difficulties teacher seemed to take offence to this.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said the system was corrupt and everything was fixed. Teacher A said, “The system is not corrupt. There are pockets of corruption. Not everything is fixed.”

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said he wanted to kill me there and then. The learning difficulties teacher said I did not seem bothered by his threat to kill me. He said he thought various parties had already threatened to kill me.

At some point, Teacher A said the learning difficulties teacher did not have a degree.

At some point, Teacher A said the learning difficulties teacher knew about childhood psychiatric injury issues and was deliberately making matters worse for me.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said my parents had not done anything about my matter. He said if my parents did not care about me, why should they care about me. I think it was in response to this comment that Teacher A said they were required to work under a duty of care for every pupil.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said when I am older, I would be made to ‘spill the beans‘. He said he was going to put me in his network. He said, “When you are made to spill the beans, I will be interested to find out all about you.”


After meeting the learning difficulties teacher, he then set about trying to set me up and so on. I have written an account of this under and

One day, a girl who lived across the road from me in the village of Congresbury, approached me and said there was a gang of youths at the village cross. She said the gang was looking for someone called ‘Nick G’ to join them. Although my initials are ‘Nick G‘, I did not know anything about gangs; however, I remembered shortly before this time someone told me it was good to join a gang, and gangs were for grown up children. As I did not think I was all that grown up, I thought the gang wanted to speak to an older boy I knew of in the village who had the same initials as me; that is, ‘Nick G’ for ‘Nicholas Gosling‘. She passed on the message to Nicholas Gosling. A short time later, a boy who lived on the same road as me, told me that Nicholas Gosling had been badly beaten up and might have been brain damaged as he could not count to ten when asked to do so.

One day, I was injured in a bicycle accident. I was knocked unconscious and do not remember what happened. I regained consciousness on the sofa at my home.

A short time before the bicycle accident, three or four boys approached me and offered me a bicycle which they said was better then the one I already had. I did not want the bicycle. One of the boys said they were going to do ‘it’ anyway as they were being compelled to do it by the learning difficulties teacher. I think that when the boy said ‘it‘, he meant they were going make me have a headfirst bicycle accident which results in a ‘thick lip’ and other injuries. He said, “I don’t get on with my father, but he is not trying to get me in learning difficulties classes.” He said my father must have been a fool for trying to get me in learning difficulties classes. One of the boys said he was concerned I would want to get them back. One of the boys said that what they were going to do would cause me some brain damage. He said I would not remember them. One of the boys said he thought they had already been reported to the police owing to what they were going to do to me.


On the morning I returned to Churchill Comprehensive following the above mentioned incidents (see and, I remember the learning difficulties teacher was there and seemed surprised to see me at school. He was with another teacher, Teacher A, in a busy hall full of pupils.

The two teachers spoke to one another about my matter. The pupils in the hall seemed to realise that there was something wrong; that is, they all became very quiet. The following is what I remember of this conversation:

To begin with, the learning difficulties teacher said, “I told them not to let him fool them around!”

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher openly admitted he was involved in causing me the bike accident to cause me a thick lip and involved in trying to get me brain damaged. Teacher A said, “They are supposed to have stopped thick lipping children now haven’t they.” He said in the passed when schools did thick lip children, it was done to make an example of them. He said there was already a pupil at the school who had a thick lip and was born with it. He said he has heard reports about a boy with the same initials as me who lived a short distance from my family's home at the time. He said he has heard that the boy had been brain damaged, and had to go to a special school because of it (see

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said he knew I had legal difficulties from when I attended primary school. He said he wanted to stop me from taking legal action and claiming compensation.

Teacher A did not agree with the learning difficulties teacher. He said they sometimes smoothed things over for other schools when genuine mistakes had been made. He said my primary school teachers were stupid and irresponsible as they placed comments in records about me which should not be in anyone’s records under any circumstances. He said he thought my primary school teachers had ‘passed the buck’ onto Churchill Comprehensive hoping they would take care of it. He said this was not their problem to deal with.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said if my parents did not care about me, why should they have cared about me.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said he had lost his girlfriend because of me. Teacher A said the learning difficulties teacher had probably lost his girlfriend as he was responsible for brain damaging a child, which was not a very impressive thing to do. He said it was possible to go to prison for causing brain damage to a child.

At some point, the learning difficulties teacher said he wanted to kill me. Teacher A said the learning difficulties teacher was stupid as there were many witnesses there listening to the conversation they were having, and it would be impossible to shut them all up. He said if I were killed, there would have to be an investigation, and the learning difficulties teacher could have found himself in trouble with the police.

At some point, Teacher A said I might do something about my matter one day, and the learning difficulties teacher could find himself in trouble if I did. He said in the meantime there would be many, such as the learning difficulties teacher, who would have access to records about me and would want to cause me problems. He said I would deserve every penny of compensation I get. He said there was a missing link in that my parents “are not being kept informed about any of it”. He said it was up to me to make the connections for a solicitor and it was being left up to me to do something about the other boy in the village who seems to have been mistaken for me and seriously injured (see

The learning difficulties teacher said he wanted to kill me to stop me making the connections for a solicitor as he was concerned about his career and did not want to go to prison. He said I must have been a pervert as I have not done anything about my matter. He accused me of playing games with him.

Teacher A said I was not playing games with him. He said there were witnesses there who could see I was just listening to what they had to say about me, which I had every right to do. He said I was too young and suffering from psychiatric injury. He said this was why I have not done anything about my matter.

At some point, Teacher A said with a surname and unusual background like mine, there would be many who would read records about me and “take big chunks out of him along the way“.

Teacher A said I was apparently upper class, and said something about my matter as “upsetting the balance“. The learning difficulties teacher said I lived in a cottage. He said he did not think I was upper class. Teacher A said he has heard I have famous relatives and my father has had big jobs in the passed. He said something had gone wrong in my father’s life, and he has had a hard time. He said this could be why my parents were not doing anything about my matter, and why my primary school teachers picked on me.

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