Local Corruption in North Staffordshire


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Welcome to the home page of my website regarding experiences with local corruption I have had here in North Staffordshire. I am not originally from the UK and much of the time I have lived here, more than forty years, I have been in some kind of trouble. It is not all bad news as there have been those who perhaps do not agree with what has been going on with me; for instance, I have been told that the trouble I am in is disproportionate to anything I have actually done wrong.

You may wonder how it is I have been in trouble for decades. The answer is that it is to do with what has been placed on state records about me while I was very young in Somerset. This was done without any involvement of the police or the courts, and without my parents knowledge. When I moved to live in North Staffordshire at the age of twelve, I quickly discovered that it is not possible to get away from what is on state records simply by moving to another part of the country. At that time, during the 1980’s, schools could label pupils on permeant records. I do not think this was uncommon in some countries around the world, but schools have had to stop doing this to children in the UK since then owing to human rights issues. These days teachers are required to concentrate on what they are supposed to be doing – teaching children rather than causing them problems for the rest of their lives with labels often given on a personal whim simply because they disliked a particular pupil.

In my case, I have been told from numerous sources a primary school teacher at St Andrews Primary School in Somerset placed comments on record about me, or ‘in the system’, that went against strict guidelines at the time and would still go against strict guidelines today; from what I understand, it has long been decided that recording certain things on state records about individuals is no longer appropriate in modern day Britain, or any other western society, and has been found to cause serious problems, especially to children, involving human rights abuses and criminal matters. Many in todays society may well have forgotten why we have these guidelines, or are not aware that they exist in the first place as these things are not meant to be an issue in modern Britain owing to the guidelines. Going against these guidelines in Somerset resulted in many people causing me problems here in North Staffordshire for on the say so of the primary school teacher in Somerset. How this started has been explained under '5 (latter 1980s)' in the timeline below. Although I have heard many simple minded excuses for this, it is probably very odd, and maybe even bizarre, for so many to go along with a primary school teacher whichever way you look at it; However, there are people here in North Staffordshire who say I must prove my case in the courts otherwise they will continue to cause me problems, even if what was placed on record about me went against the guidelines everyone who has control of these records must follow. Moreover, some of these guidelines are put in place owing to what has already been proven in the British courts in previous cases, and I have been told that going against the courts like this is usually seen as a very serious matter in this country; for instance, if St Andrews Primary School did not agree with the outcome of the courts, they should have taken this matter back through the courts to prove otherwise rather than simply going against the caurts as they did with me.

As those who have control of state records, whether doctors, police or anyone else, all know and are required to follow strict guidelines surrounding these records, my case would probably be very unusual. I am quite sure confidential information from records have been leaked by the local schools I attended (for an example of this see under '5 (latter 1980s)' in the timeline below), and from other sources, thus involving all sorts of individuals adding to the problem. I remember a member of the public here in North Staffordshire said that if I were to take legal action, I would have to be given compensation that would come out of their pockets. This could explain why some in the area insist on causing me problems. On the one hand there are people who wonder why I ‘let’ a primary school teacher get away with placing comments on record about me that should not be in anyone’s record, and on the other hand there have been many who have made it clear that they do not want my case to go before the courts as there could be compensation involved.

In my experience, what is placed on state records about individuals can have a very powerful effect on their entire life, which I would call a life of forced extreme prejudice whereby many could see there was something wrong going on with me. If you read on, you will discover the label I was given along with some of the criminal issues involved and how young I was at the time. This is the beginning of this extreme prejudice; however, there is no other country in the world that will give children this label, not even North Korea. Moreover, I am probably the youngest person in the world to have ever been given a dangerous sexual label such as this on state records. Even now I am middle aged, I still do not have any criminal history whatsoever to confirm that the completely mad primary school teacher at St Andrews Primary School in Congresbury was correct about me in any way. In fact, this is why some children in this country were labelled in the 1970s with the label I was subsequently given in the 1980s as it was thought teachers could predict if children were going to grow up to commit sex offences, and this would put a stop to people doing these things once and for all – such as in the Minority Report staring Tom Cruise, but without bothering with any of the futuristic tech. They had realized this was a flawed approach by the time I was labelled, but still did it even if it was described on BBC Radio 4 at the time as ‘A 1970s experiment that had gone badly wrong’.

Whatever the excuse is given for why I am treated badly in adulthood, I was already setup for a life of extream prejudice by the time I had left St Andrews Primary School. This is a country that sets children up for a horrifying life of relentless persecution and refuses to allow them to have any of their lifelong case properly considered by the courts turning them and their legal problem into a silly game show for the British public instead. You would think that as a great grandfather of mine was Louis Edwards, a desert rat and the Manchester United chairman who made the club into what it became, a school would not do this to me as I am from an intelligent family with little history of physical and certainly no mental illness when they are not supposed to be doing anything like this to children from disavantaged backgrounds. It seems that as my father was not doing well in life at the time, the school wanted to take advantage of my family circumstances.

Although sharing details of my experiences of the system and how it works will probably get me in more trouble (even if I attempt to remain anonymous while doing so), I think there are serious problems with justice in this country and a dark all pervasive underbelly, or subculture, associated with it that some would not be familiar with. It does not matter how blatant my case probably is, there are people who do not want to allow me to resolve this issue, or even leave me alone to simply get on with my life due to a side effect of the compensation culture we live in. Otherwise, I do not think so many would go to the trouble of causing me problems, which has lead to messy situations whereby others have been harmed, if they did not think I could claim compensation and tell my story of the way it is for some people with dangerous legal problems.

Please feel free to read through my website going into some details this issue.

Please note that I have given approximate dates and restricted the use of personal names in an attempt to preserve anonymity of some of those involved.

The Timeline

5 (latter 1980s)

During this time I moved with my parents and siblings to live in Staffordshire. I attended Churnet View Middle School in the town of Leek following the Christmas holidays to the end of the academic year; that is, for a matter of months.

School address: Churnet View Middle School, Churnet View, Leek, Staffordshire. ST13 6PU

School Headmaster: Mr Bolton

When I first attended Churnet View Middle School, a teacher said that while living in the area I would have many strange and odd experiences owing to how people interpret national laws and guidelines locally. I think the teacher was telling me in a child friendly way that there are people in the area who are corrupt as hell and they do not like me very much. This was well before the internet became mainstream, which could be why some, such as this teacher, made it obvious I was going to be given a bit of a hard time growing up it the area and probably for the rest of my life.

On another occasion a teacher said that as I was a new boy in the area I should be given a clean start. He said that according to records about me, I had been labelled ‘in the system’ as a pervert. He said everyone knows the rules – that not even adults are supposed to be given this label on state records anymore in the UK. He said that as I was given this label in Somerset and there are known issues associated with giving children labels such as this (such as serious child abuse and human rights violations) North Staffordshire should not be taking care of this problem for whoever was responsible for breaking these rules and going against the guidelines in Somerset; however, he said that as I was a new boy at the school some of the other teachers had already read the records about me and decided otherwise.


During a lesson several teachers gathered in front of the classroom and discussed my matter. The following is what I remember of what was said by the teachers present:

A teacher said I should not have been excluded from sex education. He said I had been excluded from sex education without my parents’ knowledge. He said it was a statutory requirement for state schools to provide each and every pupil with a sex education the only exception being with parents’ written consent. He said my parents and I could have sued the school over this matter alone. The teacher said something to the effect that there was something wrong with the educational records about me from the primary school I attended. He said it was in the records I had been labelled a pervert, a troublemaker was involved, and my parents were not kept informed about it. He said I could claim the whole thing was a set up.

The teacher said there were more issues surrounding sex education then was reported in the media. He said the media tended to brand sex education as a failure, which was not necessarily the case. He said sex education has been around for quite some time by then. He said there must be good reasons why it is a statuary requirement for state schools to provide each and every pupil with a sex education, unless parents wanted any of their children excluded from sex education, and why the government spends millions of pounds every year on the provision of sex education, such as follows:

The teacher said experts working for central government had decided that teachers did not have the relevant expertise to decide whether or not any given child should be excluded from sex education. The teacher said before sex education was brought in, it was found there were children doted all over the country with poorly educated parents who did a bad job of bringing up their children over sex issues. He said these children tended to develop serious problems which ran into their adulthood because of it. The teacher said when sex education was first brought in, this largely cleared up this mess as the police and social services noticed big improvements.

The following is a list of other issues surrounding sex education in state schools the teacher and other teachers spoke about:

1) The teacher said after sex education was brought in, parents trusted schools to take care of providing sex education for their children. He said as there were sensitive issues involved, parents usually preferred not to discus these issues with teachers or their children.

2) The teacher said experts working for central government found in the passed that children who were excluded from sex education developed problems which ran into their adulthood; for instance, they experienced serious social problems in school and the local community.

3) The teacher said if parents wanted any of their children to be excluded from sex education, teachers were always required to strongly recommend against it. The teacher said if parents insisted on having any of their children excluded from sex education, they were required to try to make sure the parents really knew what they were doing.

4) The teacher said when a pupil was excluded from sex education, it was a requirement for the relevant school to go to whatever lengths were necessary to ensure that the pupil was excluded in such a way that other pupils did not know about it to avoid serious social problems for the pupil. The teacher said one way of doing this was to swap lessons around for the pupil.

5) The teacher said it was very unusual for parents to have any of their children excluded from sex education as they usually want their children to attend the same lessons as everyone else. He said he thought I was the only pupil in the whole country who was being completely excluded from sex education.

6) The teacher said it was known that if children were not taught about certain things as they were growing up, they could get into serious trouble and develop serious problems which ran into their adulthood.

7) A teacher said puberty was a difficult and confusing time for many children and parents often did not know how to handle these issues very well, which was yet another reason for sex education.

At some point, a teacher said they could continue to exclude me from sex education and make sure I would be excluded at Leek High School, the next school I would go to. He said as it was in educational records about me I was being excluded from sex education at Churnet View Middle School, Leek High School would continue to exclude me from sex education. He said by the time I was in the fifth year, I would not know which way was up or down. He said as I was well formed, members of the opposite sex would flirt with me. He said as I was not being taught anything about these things, I would not understand what they were doing and everyone will think I am a pervert.


One day during a form period, Mr Langford, my form tutor, and fellow pupils discussed my matter and other issues, such as follows:

At some point, one of the pupils said they, fellow pupils, had noticed things about Mr Langford. She said they had noticed Mr Langford did not seem to do any teaching. She said she and other pupils noticed that Mr Langford just took the form classes, and they have seen Mr Langford wandering around the school during lessons with a mug of coffee on many occasions. Mr Langford said one of his jobs was to wander around the school to make sure everything was “all right and safe”.

At some point, Mr Langford said he was unemployed and had contact with local psychiatrists before he got this job as a teacher. He said he was in trouble, and when he applied for this job, he lied on the application form. He said he put it on the form he had a degree, which was not the case. One of the pupils asked him about his qualifications. Mr Langford said he did not have any qualifications at all. He said by the time the other teachers realised he could not teach, it was too late. He said he threatened to go to the press, and the other teachers let him continue to work at the school on full teachers pay. He said he had “the system by the balls”. A pupil said if Mr Langford had the system by the balls, what about me and my matter. Mr Langford looked worried and said he had not thought about that. At some point, a pupil said she thought other teachers at the school were using Mr Langford to do their dirty work for them. Mr Langford said, “They probably are.” He said he was happy to do the other teachers dirty work for them as they had been very good to him.

At some point, one of the pupils said they, fellow pupils, have noticed Mr Langford seemed to like to stair up girls’ skirts. The girl said she thought there were more pretty girls in his form class than in all the other form classes. Mr Langford said he had an influence over which pupils attended his form classes. He said he looked out for girls he liked on opening days and selected them for his form class. A pupil in the class asked Mr Langford whether he had sexual fantasies involving girls. Mr Langford said, “I do think about it, but I would never do anything like that.” A pupil said she thought Mr Langford was a paedophile; however, Mr Langford did not seem to know what she meant by this. At some point, a pupil in the class said if I had been labelled a pervert for doing something silly at the primary school I attended and I did not have any bad habits, what did that make Mr Langford when he liked looking up girls’ skirts and was over the age of 40. Mr Langford said he had not been ‘identified’, so he could get away with it. He said I would be a pervert. A pupil said even if I were a pervert, I still should not have been labelled a pervert; that is, no one is supposed to be officially given this label on state records anymore, especially not children. At some point, a pupil said she and other female pupils were going to wear leggings so Mr Langford could not stair up their skirts any more. In response to this, Mr Langford clenched a fist in anger and said he was going to have to wait until the following years pupils so he could stair up girls’ skirts again.

At some point, a pupil in the class said she thought Mr Langford had a good wife who went to a great deal of trouble to look after him. She asked Mr Langford what his wife would think of him if she knew what he was like.

At some point, a pupil asked Mr Langford what his psychiatrist thought about him. Mr Langford said his psychiatrist was very pleased with him and thought he was doing very well.

At some point, a pupil said she and others had already been to the police about Mr Langford. She said they were going to the police again about him in connection with my matter.


One day, I attended some sort of assembly at Churnet View Middle School. The teacher taking the assembly was Mr Langford, my form tutor. Mr Langford openly disused my matter with the pupils present at the assembly, such as follows:

At some point, Mr Langford announced, “It is up to us to decide whether or not he can take legal action and claim compensation.” I think Mr Langford was saying that it has been decided at Churnet View Middle School that confidential information on state records should be leaked locally in order that various parties who would not ordinarily have access to these records could then decide whether or not I should be allowed to take my legal issue through the courts.

At some point, Mr Langford said the plan was to make sure I did not get a job after I left school. He said if I got a foot hold, I would take legal action and ruin everyone’s life. He said I could be bugged and otherwise kept on benefits. He said I was very interesting and have an unusual background. He said, “We can all learn from him in our lives.” He said after a while, I would accept it. A pupil said she thought I would never accept it. A pupil said she thought my matter had been going on for some time. Referring to my matter, she said things might have happened in my passed which Mr Langford did not know about and has not taken into consideration (see an example of this while I attended ‘Churchill Academy and Sixth Form’). Mr Langford said this was one of the reasons why he and others wanted to bug me. He said if any problems arose, they would deal with them.

At some point, in connection with having me bugged and on benefits, Mr Langford said when everyone has found out all about me, I would no longer be a mystery. He said members of the opposite sex would not be interested in me any more.

At some point, Mr Langford said when I was living on my own on state benefits, I would not have a girlfriend, and I would not know how to look after myself. He said I would deteriorate and get cancer. He said if I had cancer, no one would want to bother with me any more.

At some point, Mr Langford said I would criticise the local area. A pupil said I would be made to criticise the area.

At some point, Mr Langford said I was an experiment to see if people who were from an unusual background like mine could be ‘dealt with’ when things went wrong. A pupil said she thought there was something seriously wrong. Mr Langford agreed. He said there were concerns that the school may have to be shut down in connection with my matter, and teachers at the school were worried about their careers.

At some point, Mr Langford said I was going to be given until I was in the fifth year to do something about my matter. He said if I had not done anything about it by then, they were going to kill me, and everyone would forget about me. He said, “He knows about it now. If he lets it happen, it is his fault.” A pupil said she did not think I would let it happen.

At some point, a pupil said she thought I was suffering from psychiatric injury and Mr Langford was deliberately making matters worse. Mr Langford said he probably was making matters worse for me.


During an assembly, a teacher said if a child did something wrong, he believed the child should be educated about it, punished for it, and then everyone should just forget it and get on with their lives, which was not what was happening to me in relation to my matter that had been going on since I was a primary school boy.

Leek High School

6 (latter 1980s)

During this time, I attended Leek High School, and I continued to live with my parents. Under this heading, 6, I have written accounts of experiences I had in connection with my matter.

School Address: Leek High School, Springfield Road, Leek, Staffordshire. ST13 6EU.

Headmaster: Mr Hague.

I remember after several months a teacher, who was a muslin, quietly told me on his last day working at Leek High School that his religion forbid him to work there owing to what this school was doing to me, and that he made reports to the police about this as he thought I would want to take legal action one day.


I remember a primary school teacher who perhaps did not agree with what was going on with me said, “Don’t let them kill you in the fifth year.” I remember Mr Langford, a previous form tutor, said if I hadn’t done anything about my matter by the time in was in the fifth year, I would be killed (see under 5.5.)

During the fifth year, a school inspector visited the school on a number of occasions and during this time there was a suspicious incident which I think involved two pupils I had known of while I attended schools in Somerset, and may have been mentioned in educational records about me. Under this subheading, 6.17, I have written an account of this.


At around this time, I saw Mr Langford, a previous form tutor I had, seemingly by coincidence in the town of Leek and on the grounds of Leek High School. I have mentioned Mr Langford under 5.4 and 5.5.


During a number of lessons I attended, the school inspector was present. On one of these occasions, a pupil told me the school inspector was there as they and their parents had made complaints against the school in connection with my matter. The pupil said to the school inspector I had been labelled a pervert and I was being excluded from sex education without my parents knowledge. The school inspector denied there was any problem. The pupil said to the school inspector he must have read educational records about me. The school inspector asked me whether I had been labelled a pervert and whether I was being excluded from sex education. A pupil objected. She said to the school inspector that he should not be doing this. She said she thought he was breaching confidentiality as I should only be asked these questions in private with my parents present. The school inspector accused the pupil of breaching confidentiality. The pupil said something to the effect that this argument was not applicable to a pupil. She said the reason she and others knew about my matter was owing to teachers breaching confidentiality.

Soon after during another lesson, a teacher said it was normal for a school inspector to sometimes attend lessons to ensure teachers were not trying to have a political influence on their pupils as this would “be taken very seriously indeed“.


One day, two pupils were present. I think the pupils attended the same primary school as I did in Somerset. One of the pupils was Pupil A, who I met at preschool and was involved in my matter over the years. It is possible the other pupil, Pupil B, was involved in setting me up to be labelled a pervert while I attended St Andrews Primary School.

I saw both the pupils together. They both seemed to be very good friends and shook hands with one another when I saw then as I was walking down a corridor one morning soon after I arrived at school. Pupil A smiled at me while he was shaking hands with the Pupil B. At this time, I did not recognise Pupil A or Pupil B.

At some point during that day, a pupil said, “At this school, someone always dies in the fifth year.” He said he thought I was the pupil who was going to die.

At some point during a break, I was standing in the playground with some friends in my year. One of the friends warned me that ‘****’ was approaching me. At this time I did not realise he was referring to Pupil A; that is, until this day I did not know Pupil A had a nickname, he had followed me from Somerset to attend Leek High School in Staffordshire and became an established pupil there. He said Pupil A was the best pupil at everything in the year including sports and was going to be head boy. He said he thought I was being set up, and Pupil A was going to kill me. He said I should turn around. I did not turn around. Then Pupil A kicked me in the balls from behind, and I fell to the ground. While I was still on the ground, Pupil A told me he thought I could die from shock owing to what he had just done to me. He said, “The inspector is in on it and everything is going to be covered up.”

At some point during a break, Pupil B approached and said if I were to let Pupil A get away with kicking me in the balls, people would be kicking me in the balls for the rest of my life. Pupil B took me to a location on the school grounds away from the playground outside the windows of the administrative block of the school. At this location, I saw Pupil A standing with his back turned towards me partly surrounded by witnesses as though he was waiting for me to get him back. When I saw Pupil A, my instincts engaged owing to the pain he had caused me, which I now think was an intended part of this set up, and I remember various teachers had mislead me about instincts and other matters over the years perhaps so I would fall for this setup. I ran towards Pupil A without thinking about what I was doing. As I did so, one of the witnesses seemed to signal to Pupil A as soon as I reached a certain point. I think this was a school boy trick whereby at some point after the witness gave their signal, Pupil A was supposed to suddenly turn around and kick me in the balls from the front before I kicked him in the balls from behind. I then kicked Pupil A in the same way he had kicked me. Pupil A fell to the ground, and all the witnesses ran away other than the witness who signalled to Pupil A. Pupil A spoke to the witness who did not run away. He said he thought he was going to die. He said he attended the same primary school as me in Somerset. He said he knew about my matter. He said he should have known better. He said he and some of his friends had followed me to attend Leek High School without my knowledge. He said if I were to take legal action over my matter, what my teachers were saying about me would not stand in court. He said my teachers were saying I had a serious criminal history as a terrorist and a sex offender, and serious mental health history when I did not have any of this kind of history whatsoever. He said teachers were not supposed to say things such as this about their pupils in the first place.

Later on, Pupil B approached me again and said I should go back to the location outside the windows of the administrative block of the school. When I got there, I saw Pupil A on a stretcher outside of an ambulance with paramedics; moreover, a number of policemen and teachers were present. Pupil A said it appeared that he was not in pain as he was put on morphine. It seemed Pupil A had arranged for me to do something about my matter with the police at that time; however, I did not understand the issues involved with my matter, and perhaps for this and other reasons I was unresponsive to this opportunity as the correct thing to do would have been to inform my parents about this and other things in connection with my matter as my parents were responsible for me at that age. Unfortunately, as the Primary School I attended did not keep my parents informed about my matter in Somerset, this became an established way of dealing with me in Staffordshire throughout by childhood. Pupil A then said that it was too late. At some point, Pupil A seemed to blame Pupil B for the situation he was in. In response to this, Pupil B said ‘Sorry, I didn’t know’.

I do not think Pupil A returned to Leek High School following this incident. Following this incident, there were rumours I was responsible for his death; however, I am now certain this would not be the case at all.


After the above mentioned incident (see 6.17.3), I was asked to go to the headmaster’s office. Before going into the headmaster’s office, Ms Fisher, the deputy head, said to me, “We can handle you!”

In the headmasters office, the school inspector was present along with Mr. Hague, the headmaster. They both spoke to one another about my matter. The following is an account of what they said:

For some reason, Mr Hague said I killed Pupil A and the police were not arresting me for it.

The inspector said it was in educational records about me I had been labelled a pervert by the primary school I attended, I was being completely excluded from sex education, and my parents were not being kept informed about any of this. He said the school was going against statuary requirements. For some reason, the inspector said there was no mention of my apparent involvement in Pupil A’s death in the educational records.

At some point, both the headmaster and the inspector laughed.

At some point, the head master said he was retiring soon anyway, “so I’m not bothered”. The school inspector said he was at the beginning of his career.

At some point, the head master said my teachers were taking care of things so I would not be able to take legal action against them. He said my teachers were doing what they could to ruin my life while they still had the chance. Referring to my apparent involvement with Pupil A’s death, the headmaster said my teachers were trying to get me to do something much more seriously wrong. He said the police would have to arrest me then.

At some point, the inspector said, “I don’t like it. Too many people know what’s going on. We’ve been getting complaints.” He said I was suffering from psychiatric injury. He said I would pull out of it one day, and I would have to do something about my matter.

At some point, the inspector said in the future, even if solicitors won’t represent me, I could put things on the ‘internet’ about my matter, which could cause problems and lead to an investigation. The head master said that my life is being ruined so much I will not have a job let alone afford a computer, or know how to put anything on the ‘internet’.

At some point, Mr Hague and the school inspector discussed the possibility of killing me there and then. Mr Hague said if they tried to kill me, I could do the same thing to them as I had done to Pupil A.

For some reason, the inspector said I have not been given counselling for apparently killing Pupil A.

For some reason, the inspector clenched a fist looking determined and told me he was going to do everything in his power to get my matter investigated.

I do not recall saying anything while I was in the headmaster’s office.


I remember telling my parents something about the incident mentioned under this subheading, 6.17. They refused to believe me as neither Leek High School or the school inspector had informed them about it. I appreciate that if I was involved in an incident requiring the police and an ambulance, I should perhaps not complain about my parents not being kept informed as it seems I got off very lightly for kicking a pupil, who was going to be head boy, in the balls from behind on the school grounds as hard as I could. The problem is that teachers at different schools said that it is a golden rule for schools to always keep parents informed ‘no matter what’. In other words, Leek High School decided that I am an exception to the rules by going against statuary requirements and not keeping my parents informed. In fact, owing to these statutory requirements there is probably no other state school in the entire country that has ever excluded a pupil from sex education without their parents knowledge as Leek High School did with me – this is the extent to which Leek High School has decided that I am an exception to the rules.

It is very obvious that if a child is excluded from sex education without their parents knowledge, they are not being taught what every child has to be taught by the people who should be teaching them these things - profesional teachers and/or their parents. Staffordshire GPs have subtly suggested that if this has happened to me, I can catch up on my sex education by watching Hollywood movies or by finding out what I need to know online; however, if it was as simple as that then why do probably every western society, including the USA and Canada, insist on a formal sex education for their children at great cost? Even if local doctors use my ‘lack of sex education’ as an excuse to make me look silly on record for the rest of my life, there are serious issues surrounding sex education.

I think Leek High School is hideously corrupt and a serious danger to children, but they get a lot of support anyway.

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